Category Archives: Terry Stop

Whatcom DUI Patrols Nab 60 People

5 Tips for First Time DUI Offenders - Defensive Driving

Just so we know the score . . .

Sixty people were arrested for DUI during county-wide emphasis patrols earlier this summer, according to the Whatcom County Traffic Safety Task Force.

The patrols ran from June 21 through July 7, during which time Washington State Patrol troopers, police officers from local cities and Whatcom County Sheriff’s deputies focused on catching impaired drivers.

A grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission helped pay for any officers on overtime for the patrols.

Let’s crunch the number: in approximately 17-18 days, the Washington State Patrol arrested 60 people for DUI. That’s about 3-4 people per night, on average. Quite a bit. On the one hand, the news is good if the police are pulling over dangerously inebriated drivers. On the other hand, pulling non-dangerous drivers over an a mere suspicion of drunk driving – and unsupported by probable cause – is illegal and intrusive.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Summer DUI Patrols Seek Prevention of “100 Deadliest Days.”

Penalties for Repeat DUI Offenders in Arizona | Blog

It’s that time of year again. Law enforcement agencies across the state are stepping up DUI patrols to help get impaired drivers off the road.

This weekend, Washington’s law enforcement agencies are launching a two-week statewide campaign to crack down on DUI’s. It’s made to coincide with “The 100 Deadliest Days” of Washington’s roads, streets and highways as far as DUI-related accidents are concerned. Statistics show that 30 percent of our traffic deaths across Washington state actually happen between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

In the last six years, 961 people have died on Washington’s roadways during the summer season from alcohol related accidents and other factors. Add this to the fact that 2013 has brought an increase in the number of high-profile DUI related traffic deaths in Western Washington.

Meanwhile, a new measure to strengthen Washington’s DUI laws is being argued in the state legislature as lawmakers continue their stalemate over the budget.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Proposed Changes in DUI Laws: Draconian or Timely?

New Bill to Toughen Pennsylvania Repeat Offender DUI Laws | Worgul, Sarna &  Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC

The state Legislature shall consider strengthening DUI consequences in Washington.

It makes sense, in a way. News reports indicate that DUI accidents have increased, or at least, a recent string of crashes in Washington leads us to believe so. While these tragedies are awful, it is important to remember that these results are not typical.

It’s no secret that DUI penalties are already harsh. Mandatory minimum penalties start at 24 consecutive hours in jail (convertible to 15 days of electronic home monitoring); $941 fine/court assessment; a 90-day license suspension; court-ordered alcohol evaluation, treatment, and victim impact panel; a one-year ignition interlock device (IID) requirement; five years of probation; and mandatory 12- hour impoundment of the vehicle immediately following arrest.

The mandatory minimum penalties get stiffer with subsequent convictions within seven years or higher BAC levels. Even worse, defendants convicted of DUI cannot vacate or expunge their conviction. The DUI remains on their criminal history forever.

The Legislature has amended DUI penalties 11 times in the past 10 years. It’s a subject of intense debate among lawmakers. Nowadays, legislatures are looking at different ways to, once again, enhance the penalties of DUI drivers.

The proposals could be seen as Draconian. They include making someone’s third DUI a felony; requiring impounded vehicles have Ignition Interlock Devices be installed before releasing the vehicle; random sobriety checkpoints; increasing jail sentences;  a 10- year prohibition on the consumption or purchase of alcohol following the third DUI conviction; faster filing of charges and mandatory jail booking following arrest.

My opinion? The proposals are Draconian. Requiring installation of IID devices on impounded vehicles is potentially unconstitutional. What if the defendant borrowed the vehicle from a family member or friend? Additionally, the Washington Supreme Court has already ruled random sobriety checkpoints unconstitutional. Finally, mandatory incarceration following arrest will cause a massive need for more jail space and money to pay for it.

Yes, increasing DUI penalties to stop repeat offenders – or even first-time offenders – is a worthwhile goal. However, careful measures must be taken by our lawmakers to draft laws and policies that address the problem while keeping in mind that everyone is entitled to make mistakes.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Toxicologist Says, “No Spike YET In Marijuana DUI Arrests”

A Marijuana DUI is Tough to Prove | DUI Lawyer

The state toxicologist hasn’t seen a spike in positive blood tests for marijuana since pot became legal under Washington law.

Voters last fall passed Initiative 502, allowing adults over 21 to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. The measure, which took effect Dec. 6, set a DUI limit designed to be similar to the .08 blood-alcohol content for drunken driving – 5 nanograms of active THC per milliliter of blood.

State toxicologist Fiona Couper told a legislative hearing in Olympia on Wednesday that the Washington State Patrol’s toxicology lab has completed tests on all blood samples taken from drivers in December, and has started on samples from last month. She says there’s no spike, but notes the law has only just taken effect.

Couper says that every year, about 6,000 blood samples from drivers are submitted to the lab. About 1,000 to 1,100 of those come back positive for active THC, with the average being about 6 nanograms.

My opinion? This could be the proverbial calm before the storm. Who knows, perhaps law enforcement officers are being trained and retrained on becoming Drug Recognition Experts on marijuana DUI detection. Progressive laws are slow to get enacted, and the government’s response to progressive legislation even slower; especially if it costs money to train/retrain officers. Yes, there’s no spike yet. But don’t get too comfy . . .

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Supreme Court Wary of Warrantless Blood Tests in DUI Cases

Miami Police Usually Need a Search Warrant to Draw Your Blood for a DUI

Good stuff. The Supreme Court is considering requiring police to get a search warrant before forcing drunken-driving suspects to have blood draws.

In State of Missouri v. McNeely, the defendant was pulled over for speeding. He failed field sobriety tests and refused to take a breath test. The officer then took McNeely to a nearby hospital, where a technician drew blood over the handcuffed suspect’s objection. The legal issue is whether blood draws taken under these circumstances violate a defendant’s Constitutional rights. If so, the blood test  is suppressed and inadmissible to a jury if the case proceeds to jury trial.

The prosecution argues that getting a nighttime warrant takes an average of two hours, by which point a person’s blood-alcohol level may have dropped below the legal limit.  Alcohol typically dissipates in the bloodstream at a rate of 0.015 to 0.020 percentage points an hour. The limit in Missouri is 0.08 percent.

McNeely’s defense attorney argues that Missouri’s Implied Consent law allows drivers the right to refuse a blood test. All 50 states have implied-consent laws in some form. In short, Implied Consent law says drivers who refuse a blood or breath test automatically lose their license for a year.

My opinion? Police should get warrants. Period. Getting a warrant is the proper remedy when defendants exercise their Constitutional rights. Also, it doesn’t take long to get one. Police can call a judge while driving a defendant to the jail. Judges typically issue warrants over the phone.

Due to the passage of I-502, this issue is especially relevant in WA. I-502 allows for citizens to possess small amounts of marijuana. Unfortunately, when it comes to DUI arrests, I-502 set the legal limit for THC is the bloodstream at only 5 nanograms. This is a very low amount, especially for citizens who are licensed to smoke marijuana.

In other blogs I predicted that the passage of I-502 would probably convince law enforcement to immediately transport citizens investigated for DUI straight to the hospital to undergo blood tests. Blood draws are necessary to determine nanogram levels (they also detect alcohol levels). I also predicted that unlawfully obtained blood tests would soon become the subject matter of intense pretrial litigation.

Was the officer trained in drug DUI detection? Was the blood draw performed by someone who is medically licensed? Was it performed within 2 hours of the defendant being pulled over? Was the blood test tampered with? Can the prosecution properly establish the chain of custody of all persons who handled the blood sample? And now, according to the above case, can law enforcement simply circumvent the warrant requirement and obtain blood draws if the defendant refuses?

All of these issues are the subject matter of intense legal arguments. A good trial attorney will argue pretrial motions to suppress unlawfully obtained and/or tainted evidence. Yes, this pending case is a big deal.

We’ll see what happens. . .

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with DUI or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

New DUI Law: Ignition Interlock Devices Now Take Pictures of Driver

California's Ignition Interlock Law Takes Effect Jan. 1 -- Occupational  Health & Safety

Starting January 1, 2013, people charged with DUI and having their driver’s licenses suspended or revoked by the Department of Licensing (DOL) will undergo more monitoring. Starting January 1, a camera will snap a picture every time their Ignition Interlock Device is used, verifying that the driver is the person who took the test.

Interlocks are required on the vehicles whose drivers have been caught driving impaired. They allow those drivers to continue to use their cars, but only after making sure they are sober. Anyone caught trying to fool the machine will get recorded and that information will go to Washington State Patrol. Drivers can lose their Ignition Interlock License as a result. Apparently, impaired drivers often ask passengers, friends or even children to take the test for them, said Washington State Patrol Lt. Rob Sharpe.

“We’ve even heard stories of people trying to use portable air compressors to take the test,” he said.

My opinion? I respect the implied need for increased safety, however, this new law seems invasive and unnecessary. I haven’t heard of any traffic accidents where someone faked blowing into their Ignition Interlock Device in some way, shape or form. Why is there a need for increased monitoring of people convicted of DUI if something horrible hasn’t yet happened?

The passage of this law is another reminder to hire a competent defense attorney if you’re charged with DUI. Good representation might save your license from getting suspended/revoked and an Ignition Interlock Device installed on your vehicle.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

State v. Guevara: Stopping Schoolboys and Searching Them for Marijuana is Unlawful Without Probabale Cause.

With Police in Schools, More Children in Court - The New York Times

In State v. Guevara, the WA Court of Appeals held that a Interesting search involving a “school resource officer” who stopped the defendant and his friends for suspected drug use was NOT a social contact and NOT a community caretaking function.

Guevara and his friends were walking near school one morning before class. A uniformed school resource officer stopped the group and inquired what they were doing. He told them he suspected they were skipping class to smoke marijuana. The officer found drugs on Mr. Guevara. At trial, the judge denied Guevara’s motion to suppress the evidence. The trial court denied the motion on the basis that the stop was a social contact within the scope of the officer’s authority.

In suppressing the evidence, the Court of Appeals reasoned that the stop became a seizure when the officer told the boys he believed they were using drugs and sought their consent to search them. This, ruled the court, was neither a social contact nor a community caretaking function.

My opinion? Good decision. Although they may have skipped school, the boys were otherwise behaving in a lawful manner. They were not under the influence of marijuana, alcohol or any other illegal drugs. They weren’t operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or marijuana. Consequently, the officer appeared to lack probable cause to search them for possessing marijuana or any other drugs.  At worst, the officer should have merely escorted them back to school. Good decision.

Please review my Search and Seizure Legal Guide and contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Drug DUI: The Brass Tacks

Pima County Drugged Driving Attorney | Tucson Drug DUI Defense Lawyer | AZ

Yes, I’ve blogged on this before – the passage of Washington Initiative 502 (I-502) and its impacts on DUI investigations. Consider this Part II of an ongoing discussion.

Under I-502, it is now legal to possess marijuana in small amounts. Undeniably, this opens many legal issues for motorists suspected of Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana, typically called “Drug DUI,” “stoned driving” and/or “DUI-D.” What are the legal limits of THC consumption? How do officers obtain proof of Drug DUI? How does I-502 affect minors charged with Drug DUI? What are the consequences of refusing an officer’s attempts to obtain proof of DUI-D?

Under I-502, the legal limit for THC is 5.00 nanograms. Officers obtain THC readings from blood tests administered in hospitals. Consequently, I-502 gives law enforcement officers more incentive to transport citizens to a hospital and seek a blood test if the officer suspects Drug DUI. Citizens refusing the blood test shall be charged with an upper level “Refusal” DUI for violating RCW 46.20.308, which is Washington’s Implied Consent Law. Worse, an officer now has discretion to immediately seek a warrant for a citizen’s blood. With warrant in hand, the officer may obtain a blood test from the citizen anyway, despite the citizen’s prior refusal.

Under RCW 46.20.308, which is Washington’s Implied Consent statute, the citizen’s license, permit, or privilege to drive will be revoked or denied for at least one year.  Refusal of the blood test is also admissible in a criminal trial. In the case of minors, I-502 imposes zero tolerance.

In short, the impacts of I-502 are extremely egregious. Fortunately, there’s also a lot of room for error on the part of law enforcement officers charging citizens with Drug DUI. Some of these issues – in the form of defenses – are as follows:

(1) Why did the officer initiate the pullover?

(2) Was the officer trained as a Drug Recognition Expert?

(3) What is the officer’s probable cause for arresting someone for Drug DUI?

(4) Was the citizen informed of the Implied Consent Law?

(5) What constitutes a Refusal?

(6) How did the officer obtain a warrant for a blood test?

(7) Did a licensed medical professional draw the blood?

(8) Can the Prosecutor establish the chain of custody showing who took the blood, who sealed it, and who tested it? And more, are these individuals available to testify?

(9) How does being charged with DUI-D affect citizens who are licensed to smoke marijuana; citizens who probably have elevated levels of THC in their blood anyway?

These issues, and more, affect the outcome of your case. Immediately consult an experienced criminal law attorney like myself if you’re facing Drug DUI charges.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

How Washington’s New Marijuana Law Affects DUI Investigations?

Plano, Texas | Drug-Related DWI Lawyer | DUI Defense Attorneys

So it passed.

Pot, at least certain amounts of it, will soon be legal under state laws in Washington. So it begs the question – how will law enforcement investigate DUI charges where the suspect appears under the influence of marijuana?

First, Washington’s law does change DUI provisions by setting a new blood-test limit for marijuana – a limit police are training to enforce.  Know this: they’re proactively going to arrest drivers who drive impaired, whether it be drugs or alcohol. Drugged driving is illegal, and nothing in the measures that Washington voters passed this month to tax and regulate the sale of pot for recreational use by adults over 21 changes that.

Statistics gathered for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed that in 2009, a third of fatally injured drivers with known drug test results were positive for drugs other than alcohol. Among randomly stopped weekend nighttime drivers in 2007, more than 16 percent were positive for drugs.  Studies also show that Marijuana can cause dizziness and slowed reaction time, and drivers are more likely to drift and swerve while they’re high.

Most convictions for drugged driving currently are based on police observations, followed later by a blood test.  Unlike portable breath tests for alcohol, there’s no easily available way to determine whether someone is impaired from recent marijuana use.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, peak THC concentrations are reached during the act of smoking. However, within three hours, they generally fall to less than 5 nanograms per milliliter of blood – the same standard in Washington’s law, one supporters describe as roughly equivalent to the .08 limit for alcohol.

In Washington, police still have to observe signs of impaired driving before pulling someone over. The blood would be drawn by a medical professional, and tests above 5 nanograms would automatically subject the driver to a DUI conviction.

My opinion?  Simply put, people arrested for DUI should ready themselves to get transported to the hospital for blood testing.  I believe officers will take defendants to the hospital if they appear AT ALL impaired; whether it be drugs or alcohol.  I also predict that law enforcement is going to be concerned about people consuming a combination of alcohol and marijuana.

Perhaps people will believe they can consume one or two drinks – enough to stay under the .08 limit – and follow it up with smoking marijuana to maintain the “high” of being under the influence. The slight combination, some may believe; may mask any signs they are under the influence of alcohol, especially if the alcohol consumptions signs are minimal.

Don’t think you can fool ’em.  Believe me, the hospitals will become more crowded with drug-DUI investigations.  And if people refuse the blood test, it’s just like refusing a BAC test: raised penalties and heavier DOL consequences.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Extra DUI Patrols Nab 1,600 Washington Drivers

Drive Hammered-Get Nailed - Impaired Driving TV Ad on Vimeo

Police across Washington state arrested more than 1,600 people during a recent drunken-driving enforcement campaign.

According to statistics from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, 1,603 drivers got busted during this summer’s “Drive Hammered, Get Nailed” anti-DUI campaign, which ran from Aug. 17 to Sept. 3.

A grant from the Traffic Safety Commission paid for the extra patrols. The commission says August is typically one of the deadliest months on Washington’s roads.

My opinion?  Obviously, it’s important to know your Constitutional rights – and respectfully exercise them – during a DUI investigation.  Being stopped for DUI brings many legal issues to the forefront which a competent attorney can address.  Hopefully, your attorney can suppress the evidence and/or get the DUI charges reduced/dismissed.

Was the stop legal?  Was there enough evidence to establish probable cause to arrest?  Were you informed of the implied consent warnings?  Were you advised of your right to an attorney?  Did you provide a portable breath test reading?  Did you perform field sobriety tests?  Did you refuse the Blood Alcohol test at the jail?  If not, was your test result above .08?  Is there an administrative action from the Department of Licensing to suspend or revoke your driver’s license?

These questions, and a host of others, affect how an attorney represents you case.  Although it’s best to avoid a DUI in the first place, it’s equally important to hire competent counsel if you’re charged with DUI.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Alexander F. Ransom

Attorney at Law
Criminal Defense Lawyer

119 North Commercial St.
Suite #1420
Bellingham, WA 98225

117 North 1st Street
Suite #27
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Phone: (360) 746-2642
Fax: (360) 746-2949

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