Category Archives: Reckless Driving

House Bill 1596 Seeks to Curb Speeding & Reckless Driving

12V/24V vehicle speed limit device, The mechanical pedal speed limiter for cars

New proposed legislation could prevent reckless drivers from exceeding speed limits. Introduced by Representative Mari Leavitt (D), the  Andrea Smith Hudson Act (House Bill 1596) is currently under consideration in the Washington state legislature. If passed, this legislation would require habitual speeders and reckless drivers with suspended licenses to have a speed limiter installed on their car’s ignition. Acting much like a breathalyzer, this device uses GPS to keep the vehicle within the speed limit.

The Andrea Smith Hudson Act is named in honor of Andrea Hudson, who was driving a minivan with five children when an Audi traveling at 112 mph struck her vehicle at an intersection in Renton. Hudson and three of the children in her car, including 12-year-old Buster Brown, 12-year-old Matilda Wilcoxson and 13-year-old Eloise Wilcoxson, were killed instantly.

“My bill attempts to address these factors by focusing on those who have repeatedly shown these behaviors. I propose implementing Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology for habitual speed violators as a tool for our Courts to impose on these habitual speeders. This technology, which has been successful in other regions as well as countries, ensures that vehicles adhere to posted speed limits, significantly reducing the likelihood of speed-related crashes. In addition to ISA devices, the bill requires speed limiters for repeat offenders as a condition of being able to drive.” ~Representative Mari Leavitt.

Key measures of the legislation include:

  • Targeting the most dangerous violations (20+ mph over the limit) rather than penalizing minor infractions.
  • Providing opportunities for folks with suspensions to drive with this tool similar to the ignition interlock program as imposed by a court.
  • Implementing a structured fee system for ISA device installation that considers financial capabilities, ensuring all drivers can comply.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with Reckless Driving or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Traffic Safety For All

Washington doesn't need to choose between road safety and equity — we can have both. Traffic Safety for All (HB 1513) will improve road safety by helping law enforcement better focus on

A new Democratic-backed bill is gaining momentum in the state Legislature. Dubbed “The Traffic Safety for All” legislation, House Bill 1512 would bar police from stopping drivers solely for nonmoving violations, like expired tabs or a broken headlight.

The legislation is a top priority for the Washington chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Washington Coalition for Police Accountability. Instead of pulling people over, officers would send warnings in the mail about nonmoving violations if they have no other reason for a stop.


Officers could still pull people over for any criminal offense, not wearing a seat belt, not having license plates, or having an expired registration. The same goes for faulty equipment, a shattered windshield that affects visibility or a dragging muffler. And police could still cite drivers for nonmoving violations during a stop. However, they would need to initially pull the driver over for something else.


When officers pull someone over, they would have to immediately inform drivers of the reason for the traffic stop. And they could only question the driver about that issue, unless they find evidence giving them a reasonable suspicion to ask about something else. Police would also need written consent to search the car. Furthermore, police can only search if the offense precipitating the stop is a gross misdemeanor or felony.


Supporters argue reducing stops for minor infractions would free up time for officers to prioritize drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol or speeding.

Police accountability advocates say stops for nonmoving violations do little to improve public safety while disproportionately affecting people of color. And the fines can be burdensome for low-income communities.

State troopers search the cars of Native American drivers five times more than white drivers, according to an InvestigateWest analysis of traffic stop data from 2018 to 2023. Troopers also searched Black and Hispanic drivers more than white drivers.

Between 2009 and 2019, Washington State Patrol troopers found contraband during a mere 0.27% of traffic stops, according to a Vera Institute of Justice analysis.


Police officials oppose the bill, arguing it is ill-timed given the dramatic rise in traffic deaths in the past few years. In 2023, over 800 people died on Washington roads, the highest mark since 1990. Impairment and speeding caused a half and a third of those deaths, respectively.


The Senate version of the legislation hasn’t been scheduled for a public hearing. The House bill doesn’t yet have a committee vote scheduled. The proposal would take effect 90 days after the session adjourns, scheduled for April 27.

My opinion?  Bouse Bill 1512 is public safety that benefits everyone. It addresses racially discriminatory police practices and improves safety.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with a driving-related crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

New Law To Punish Those Who Injure or Kill Vulnerable Road Users

New state law to protect vulnerable road users takes effect January 1

The Washington traffic Safety Commission reported that on January 1, 2025, Washington State will implement a new law intended to enhance safety for “Vulnerable Road Users” such as pedestrians, cyclists, and individuals using personal mobility devices.

The law aims to reduce injuries and fatalities from crashes involving non-motorized road users by increasing penalties for negligent drivers. A negligent driver is generally considered to be a person who fails to exercise ordinary care, which then endangers another person.

In the past decade traffic fatalities of vulnerable road users have increased dramatically. Since 2014 annual deaths of vulnerable people on our roads more than doubled. These aren’t just numbers; they’re people in our communities – neighbors, friends, and family.


Vulnerable road users are people on our roads and sidewalks that don’t have the protection of a vehicle’s cage to keep them safe. This includes people walking, biking, riding scooters and skateboards, using mobility aids, riding motorcycles, traveling by horseback, and even driving a tractor without a protective shell.


By statute, a person drives negligently when they fail to exercise ordinary care. To determine negligence, the law compares the action of a driver to a reasonably careful person. Did the driver do something a reasonably careful person wouldn’t do, or did the driver fail to do something a reasonably careful person would do? And did that driver endanger or likely endanger any person or property?


Under the new law, penalties for a negligent driver who causes the death of a vulnerable road user include:

  • A fine of $5,000
  • Up to 364 days in jail
  • Suspension of driving privileges for 90 days

Penalties for a negligent driver who seriously injures a vulnerable road user may include:

  • A fine of $5,000
  • Suspension of driving privileges for 90 days
  • Traffic school
  • Up to 100 hours of community service

“This law is one part of Washington’s ongoing efforts to make our roads safer for everyone. By focusing on protecting our most vulnerable road users, we’re sending a clear message that when you’re the biggest and the fastest, you need to be the safest, too. Everyone has a right to safe passage on our roads, whether they’re in a car, on a bike, or on foot.” ~Shelly Baldwin, Director of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC)

The WTSC will run an educational campaign through January to inform drivers and vulnerable road users about the new law and promote safe road-sharing practices.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with Negligent Driving, Reckless Driving or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

WA Ranks Low In States With Road Rage

A person driving.

A recent study from H&P Law ranks Washington among states with the least amount of road rage. The firm used data from The Trace and the NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System to rank states by most common road rage incidents. Washingtonians can consider themselves lucky – the Evergreen State falls in the bottom ten for reported or documented road rage incidents.


The report ranks all 50 states utilizing analysis of six key factors. Data points used include the number of firearm-related incidents, the percentage of crashes involving aggressive or careless driving, the number of accidents with fatalities, the total number of deaths from crashes involving aggressive or careless driving, the percentage of incidents involving aggressive or careless driving that resulted in a fatality, and speeding violations, at varying weights.

Washington ranks 44 of 50, making it one of the states with the fewest road rage incidents. Rhode Island was ranked the best. The study ranked the least road rage prone states in the bottom ten as: Iowa South Dakota, Wyoming, Washington, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Virginia, California, Rhode Island.


The Evergreen State has a low rate of firearm-related road rage incidents, at 1.5 per 100,000 residents. Less than 28% of the state’s car crashes involve aggressive or careless driving, according to the study. Washington experiences 2.5 fatal crashes due to aggressive driving per 100,000 residents, and a low number of speeding violations compared to other states.


According to the report, the states with the most road rage are:

  • Louisiana
  • New Mexico
  • Montana
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • North Carolina
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Wisconsin
  • Tennessee

At some point in every driver’s life, they’ll inevitably experience road rage. Whether it’s screaming vulgarities, the middle finger, tailgating or aggression, being on the receiving end of road rage is jarring, and potentially dangerous.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangerment, Firearm Offenses or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

New Car Designs Also Create Blind Spots

I almost got hit by a car turning left today. I was able to get out of the way because I quickly realized I was in his A-pillar blindspot. I had recently

Photo Courtesy of Evo Magazine

Journalist Doug Dahl reports that visibility can be a big issue with new cars. In short, the popular A-Pillar car designs aren’t helpful for taller drivers, and can create blind spots.


According to Wikipedia, one of the important design elements of modern cars is the A-pillar. This is because its location and angle impact the shape of the front of the car and the overall shape of modern vehicles or what designers call “volume.” For example, more forward positioned A-pillars provide for increased interior room and make for less angle and visual difference between the hood and windshield. This arrangement makes the side view of a car look aerodynamic. The A-pillars that are positioned further back on a vehicle are most often found on rear-wheel drive and SUV models. This arrangement provides a greater hood to windshield angle as well as achieving a bigger field of view for the driver, but at the disadvantage of encroaching on interior space.

“Big roof pillars protect vehicle occupants in a crash, but they’re bad for seeing pedestrians,” reports Dahl. “Giant displays in the car provide great maps for navigation, but they draw a driver’s focus away from the road. Cameras and sensors help the car assist you, but all the features can distract you from the actual driving. Misused, these ‘upgrades’ can put other road users at risk.”

We tend to link distracted driving with cell phones, but that’s only a piece of it. In the 2022 statewide distracted driving observational survey, over half of distracted drivers had diverted their attention to something other than a phone.

Distractions come in many forms. It could be spilled coffee, last minute personal grooming, kids in the back seat, eating any In N Out burger if you ordered it animal style, and fiddling with the technology that came with your car. Some of that tech was meant to keep drivers safer, but if you’re not familiar with it before you put the car in gear, trying to figure it out while driving takes attention away from where it belongs.

Despite all the potential distractions, most of the time drivers have their focus on the road. In the observational survey I mentioned, nine percent were engaged in distracting behaviors. But that small percentage has an outsized impact. Over the past ten years, distracted drivers have been involved in 23 percent of fatal crashes.

There is good news. Our attitudes about distracted driving have changed in recent years, and so have our behaviors. A decade ago, 69 percent of drivers admitted to using their phone while driving. In Washington’s most recent traffic safety survey, that dropped to less than one third. That’s translated into lives saved. In 2014 there were 171 fatalities involving distracted drivers. In 2022 there were 99.

We’ve gotten better at putting our phones down while driving. If we can also get better at avoiding all the other distractions, including the technology built into our vehicles (that’s often helpful but sometimes not so much) we’ll continue to move toward our goal of zero deaths on our roads.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with Reckless Driving or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

American Drivers Are Now Even More Distracted By Their Phones

Distracted Driving Cell Phone Use | Dr. John Lloyd | Motorcycle Crash,  Biomechanics, Human Factors Expert

Excellent article by journalist Marin Cogan reports that In the last few years, the data on distracted driving has shown disturbing trends. During the pandemic, American drivers got even more distracted by their phones while driving. The amount of distracted driving hasn’t receded, even as life has mostly stabilized.


Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) Found that both phone motion and screen interaction while driving went up roughly 20 percent between 2020-2022. “By almost every metric CMT measures, distracted driving is more present than ever on US roadways. Drivers are spending more time using their phones while driving and doing it on more trips. Drivers interacted with their phones on nearly 58% of trips in 2022,” a recent report by the company concludes. Additionally, ore than a third of that phone motion distraction happens at over 50 mph.

We’re also spending nearly three times more time distracted by our phones than drivers in the United Kingdom and several other European countries. US drivers spent an average of 2 minutes 11 seconds on their phones per hour while driving, compared to 44 seconds per hour for UK drivers, CMT found.

The company compared the driving behaviors of US and European drivers because road fatalities in the United States surged during the pandemic and European fatalities did not. In 2020, 38,824 people died on US roads. In 2021, that number rose to 42,915 people, and the highest number of pedestrians were killed in 40 years. In 2022, the overall deaths stayed high, around 42,795, among them 7,508 pedestrians. The report also notes how the rise of smartphone use roughly corresponds to the rise in pedestrian fatalities: About 4,600 people were killed while walking in 2007, the year the iPhone was introduced. By 2021, with 85 percent of Americans owning smartphones, the number rose to 7,485.

Deadly Vehicular Crash Data in Whatcom County

Motorcyclist dies after collision with car in Bellingham - YouTube

Bellingham Herald Journalist Robert Mittendorf reports that deadly car crashes fell by half in Bellingham last year. These levels return to pre-pandemic levels after a two-year spike. Four people died in crashes within Bellingham city limits last year, down from eight traffic deaths in 2022 and nine in 2021, according to data from the Washington State Department of Transportation, which collects reports from police agencies statewide.

Overall there were more than 200 fewer crashes last year in Bellingham, as the total dropped from 1,136 in 2022 to 902 in 2023 — a 10-year low. WSDOT’s data system includes crashes on Interstate 5 and state highways such as Meridian Street (State Route 539) within the city limits. Factoring in only city streets, Bellingham had 527 total crashes. This is down from 709 in 2022 — also a 10-year low.

One pedestrian and no bicyclists were killed by cars in 2023. There were 23 such crashes last year as part of a steady annual decline after a high of 76 total bike and pedestrian crashes in 2017.

Bellingham’s lower fatality rate is in contrast to state and nationwide trends. Apparently,  more people in WA State died in traffic accidents as people drove faster and automakers built bigger and heavier trucks and SUVs. The death toll on roads statewide in 2023 topped a 30-year high set last year, according to WSDOT. Whatcom County crash statistics remained mostly flat, reflecting a three-year trend.

Former Mayor Seth Fleetwood made traffic safety a priority from 2020 to 2024, and Public Works has hired three new staff members in its Traffic Division, Johnston said. Bellingham will be examining the speed of cars and speed limits on city streets this year. This effort includes data collection, public education and law enforcement. On the enforcement side, one possible new measure could be speed cameras in school zones.

Even as deadly crashes in just the city of Bellingham declined last year, traffic fatalities rose slightly in Whatcom County as a whole, according to WSDOT. At total of 18 people died last year in crashes on roads of all types across Whatcom County, from city streets to Interstate 5. Two pedestrians were killed among 48 total crashes involving people walking and cycling in 2023. This represents a sharp decline from the eight pedestrian deaths in 65 total crashes in 2022 — also a 10-year low.

Traffic fatalities are tragic. Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with Vehicular Assault/Homicide, or Reckless Driving. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

WA State Patrol Kicks Off “Home For the Holidays” DUI Enforcement Campaign

Washington State Police: Home for the Holidays Traffic Safety Campaign | Local |

Accoding to a press release, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) will work together to enforce DUI pullovers and encourage drivers to make good choices.

The “Home for the Holidays” traffic safety campaign continues now through New Years Eve. Historically, the WSP observes an increase in all collision types during this time frame, as well as an increase in impaired drivers on our roadways.

“While we can’t prevent all collisions, buckling up and slowing down, particularly in wet conditions, dramatically improve the chances that drivers and their passengers will survive a crash and avoid serious injury.” ~Shelly Baldwin, WTSC Director.

Encouraging drivers to make good choices behind the wheel is especially important considering the rise in fatality collisions across Washington state over the past several years. According to preliminary WTSC data, there have been nearly as many fatal collisions between through September 2023 (578) as compared to the same timeframe in 2022 (582). Last year was a 32-year high for fatality collisions across Washington state.

Numbers from the WTSC show 776 lives were lost across the state due to traffic related collisions in the months of October, November, and December from 2018 to 2022. Of those tragedies, 40 percent involved impaired drivers, 30 percent involved excessive speed, 16 percent involved distracted drivers, and 29 percent of those killed were pedestrians or pedal cyclists.

“Fatality collisions are preventable tragedies, and we must all do our part in order to help save lives,” said WSP Chief John R. Batiste. “Buckling up, slowing down, and driving sober can help make sure we all make it home to our loved ones for the holidays.”

Drivers are asked to checklist check road conditions before heading out.

  • Buckle up and ensure all occupants are also properly seat belted before driving;
  • Follow posted speed limits and slow down as necessary in adverse weather and around vulnerable road users, including walkers and cyclists;
  • Increase following distance, especially in adverse weather or low light conditions;
  • Always choose to drive sober;
  • Avoid distractions, such as the use of a hand-held cell phone or watching videos while driving.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with DUI, Reckless Driving or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Traffic-Related Deaths Are on the Rise

These States Have The Most Summer Driving Fatalities

This year is becoming an increasingly deadly year for traffic-related deaths on Washington roads, according to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) and Washington State Patrol (WSP).

The worsening traffic safety crisis is leading to more deaths at this point in 2023 than the year before, the agencies reported on Aug. 30.

As of July, Washington saw 417 traffic-related fatalities, compared to 413 fatalities in July 2022. According to WTSC, 2022 marked the deadliest year on Washington roads since 1990.

“We have seen more multi-fatality crashes in 2023, which is making this a historically deadly year . . . We are announcing these very preliminary figures because we need everyone’s help right now. Driving sober, driving focused, respecting speed limits, and buckling up are the four best ways to save a life.” ~Shelly Baldwin, Director of WTSC

Officials note the “fatal four” common causes of traffic crashes and deaths as impairment, distraction, speeding and not wearing seat belts. Among the 750 people who died on Washington roads in 2022, approximately 75% of those deaths (565 deaths) involved one or more of the fatal four behaviors, according to WTSC.

While more lives have been lost so far in 2023, WTSC says there have been fewer deadly crashes in total – which means crashes are resulting in more losses of life per crash.

“Saving lives on our highways involves everyone’s participation – and that includes passengers. Driver decisions are an obvious factor in fatal collisions, but passengers have a duty to ensure their own safety by always choosing to buckle up. We need this disheartening trend to turn around, and we cannot do that without everyone’s participation.” ~WSP Chief John R. Batiste

The 90 Dangerous Days of Summer, a campaign educating the public, has found that summer months often are the deadliest stretch of time for drivers in Washington. Throughout Labor Day Weekend, state and local law enforcement officials will increase their presence on the roadways as a safety reminder.

“The power to save lives is in the hands of every driver on our roads,” Baldwin said. “Going into Labor Day and the final four months of 2023, we still have time to change this trend. Please get a sober ride if you have used drugs or alcohol. Higher speeds endanger the lives of everyone, so please respect the speed limit. If we practice these simple safety behaviors each day, we can save hundreds of lives so that they will be here to enjoy the holidays with their family and friends.”

WSP also urges bicyclists to always wear helmets and protective gear while all motorists should always keep a cautionary eye out for pedestrians, bicyclists and other roadway users.

Please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with DUI, Reckless Driving or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.

Labor Day DUI Patrols In Effect

420 Facelift" planned for WSP Mobile Impaired Driving Unit | Regional |

The Washington State Patrol reports that with Labor Day Weekend, Troopers will be out patrolling both day and night looking for impaired drivers. According to a survey by the Vacationer, more than 57 percent of Americans will be traveling this weekend. King 5 reports that as of yesterday, the WSP has responded to 70 crashes and 16 calls reporting aggressive driving.

WSP and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission recently reported that 2023 is shaping up to be a “historically deadly” year on Washington roadways.

Over Labor Day weekend in 2022, state troopers responded to a number of dangerous incidents in King County. They included 21 DUI arrests, 448 speeding incidents and 118 collisions, with two fatal collisions. The agency also responded to 232 reports of aggressive driving and 60 incidents of distracted driving.

Officials note the “fatal four” common causes of traffic crashes and deaths as impairment, distraction, speeding and not wearing seat belts. Approximately 75% of last year’s deaths involved one of more of the fatal four behaviors.


The Mobile Impaired Driving Unit (MIDU) will be deployed to process suspected DUI offenders and enable patrols to spend as much time as possible on the roadways. The MIDU is a self-contained 36-foot motorhome that has been turned into a mobile DUI processing center and incident command post. When requested, the MIDU travels across the state in support of law enforcement efforts during DUI emphasis patrols or to emergency incidents such as wild land fires or other natural disasters. It’s a full service police station on wheels.

My opinion? Drive with patience and courtesy and expect more traffic throughout the weekend. And please contact my office if you, a friend or family member are charged with DUI, Reckless Driving or any other crime. Hiring an effective and competent defense attorney is the first and best step toward justice.