Is Today’s Marijuana Too Strong?

Photo Courtesy of Emily Zaboski/Daily Free Press Staff

Excellent article in the Atlantic by Malcolm Ferguson reports that marijuana users are realizing marijuana has become noticeably stronger. A drug they once turned to for fun and relaxation now triggers existential dread and paranoia.

In 2022, the federal government reported that THC — the psychoactive compound in weed that makes you feel high—had more than tripled compared with 25 years earlier, from 5 to 16 percent. That may understate how strong weed has gotten. Walk into any dispensary in the country, legal or not, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a single product advertising such a low THC level. Most strains claim to be at least 20 to 30 percent THC by weight; concentrated weed products designed for vaping can be labeled as up to 90 percent.

For the average weed smoker who wants to take a few hits without getting absolutely blitzed, this is frustrating. For some, it can be dangerous. In the past few years, reports have swelled of people, especially teens, experiencing short- and long-term “marijuana-induced psychosis.” The consequences include hospitalizations for chronic vomiting and auditory hallucinations of talking birds. Multiple studies have drawn a link between heavy use of high-potency marijuana, in particular. The development of psychological disorders, including schizophrenia, have increased.


The simplest explanation for this is that the casual smokers  aren’t the industry’s top customers. Serious stoners are. Regular users tend to develop a high tolerance, and their tastes drive the industry’s cultivation decisions. The industry is not shy about this fact.

My opinion?The history of drug enforcement in America was long one of discriminatory, draconian enforcement. But the shift toward legal weed has tacked too far in the opposite direction. If marijuana is to be sold legally, consumers should know what they’re buying and have confidence that someone is making sure it’s safe.

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