Verdicts & Results

Verdicts and results matter. A defense attorney’s knowledge of the law, negotiation strategies and trial experience is directly reflected in the outcomes they receive for their clients. Attorney Alexander F. Ransom has a strong, time-tested reputation of achieving favorable resolutions. The case summaries below are actual cases with results exactly as described.

Each summary shows Mr. Ransom is an effective, experienced and proactive defense attorney who fights for his clients. He plans for success and establishes contingencies no matter which direction a particular case goes. In some cases, Mr. Ransom persuaded Prosecutors to withhold filing charges on clients who were under investigation.

As a disclaimer, however, these results are specific to the facts of each case and therefore should not be taken as a promise or guarantee of a similar result. Past results are no guarantee that similar results can be obtained for others.


Charges:  Rape in the Second Degree by Forcible Compulsion (DV); Felony Assault Second Degree by Strangulation (DV)
Verdicts: Full Jury Acquittals As Charged; Guilty of Lesser-Included Misdemeanor Assault Fourth Degree (DV).
#20-1-011**-**   2020
Case Conclusion Date: 2.1.2023

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#PA00147**   2020
Case Conclusion Date: 11.30.2021

Charges: Assault Second Degree With a Deadly Weapon
Verdict: Hung Jury & Mistrial
#16-1-0039*-*   2016
Case Conclusion Date: 12.09.2019

Charges: “Refusal” DUI
Verdict: Hung Jury, Mistrial, & 2-Step Reduction to Negligent Driving
#8Z555**   2018
Case Conclusion Date: 05.02.2019

Charges: Rape in the Second Degree (4 Counts); Indecent Liberties and Unlawful Imprisonment
Verdict: Hung Jury, Mistrial & Negotiated Resolution Involving Numerous Dismissals & Reductions
#15-1-001**   2015
Case Conclusion Date: 02.10.2017

Prevailed at Sentencing on Federal Indictment: Aiding & Abetting a Felon in Possession of a Firearm
#CR16-03**** 2016
Case Conclusion Date: 12.09.2016

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
Verdict: Hung Jury & Dismissal
#CB-938** 2016
Case Conclusion Date: 05.09.2016

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) & Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#4Z9623** 2014
Case Conclusion Date: 12.22.2015

Charges: Making False Statements to Law Enforcement, Rendering Criminal Assistance Second Degree & Obstructing Police
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal on False Statements ; Judge Dismissed Obstructing and Rendering Criminal Assistance
#4Z9289** 2014
Case Conclusion Date: 12.01.2015

Charges: Child Molestation First Degree
Verdict: Hung Jury & Dismissal
#13-1-012**  2013
Case Conclusion Date: 10.01.2015

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal & Reimbursement of Attorney’s Fees
#4Z8703** 2014
Case Conclusion Date: 06.05.2015

Charges: Reckless Endangerment
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#4Z230** 2014
Case Conclusion Date: 06.18.2014

Charges: Assault Second Degree With A Deadly Weapon
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#13-1-001**  2013
Case Conclusion Date: 11.20.2013

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree (2 Counts)
Verdict: Acquittal on One Count I, Guilty of Count II
#2Z-6010** 2012
Case Conclusion Date: 02.21.2013

Charges: Burglary Second Degree
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal of Burglary, Guilty of Lesser-Included Criminal Trespass.
#11-1-010** 2011
Case Conclusion Date: 01.11.2012

Charges: Burglary First Degree, Assault Fourth Degree & Felony Violation of No-Contact Order (DV)

Verdict: Hung Jury & Dismissal of Burglary First Degree; Guilty of All Other Charges
#11-1-011** 2011
Case Conclusion Date: 05.17.2012

Charges: Felony Harassment and Possession of Weapon By An Inmate
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#12-1-008** 2012
Case Conclusion Date: 09.28.2012

Charges: Possession of a Controlled Substance, Witness Tampering & Intimidating a Witness
Verdict: Jury Acquittal on Witness Tampering and Intimidating a Witness, Guilty of Possession of a Controlled Substance.
#10-1-000** 2011
Case Conclusion Date: 07.14.2011

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#CB-699** 2011
Case Conclusion Date: 03.08.2011

Charges: Reckless Driving
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#CB-697** 2011
Case Conclusion Date: 09.21.2011

Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUI)
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#C-7846** 2011
Case Conclusion Date: 01.11.2011

Charges: Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#CB-632** 2008
Case Conclusion Date: 05.14.2008

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree & Felony Harassment
Verdict: Jury Acquittal on Assault charges, Hung Jury & Mistrial on Felony Harassment.
#08-1-001** 2008
Case Conclusion Date: 04.16.2008

Charges: Assault Fourth Degree Domestic Violence and Interfering With Reporting of Domestic Violence
Verdict: Jury Acquittal on Assault Fourth Degree Domestic Violence and Interfering With Reporting of Domestic Violence.
#CB-542** 2006
Case Conclusion Date: 09.04.2006

Charges: Theft Third Degree
Verdict: Full Jury Acquittal
#CB-529** 2006
Case Conclusion Date: 10.18.2006


Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#4A0362***   2024

Dismissed: Harassment
#3A0838***   2023

Dismissed: Drug – DUI
#3A0386***   2023

Dismissed: Felony Harassment (DV)
#23-1-01***-37   2023

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#4A0082***   2024

Dismissed: Indecent Exposure, No-Contact Order Violations (DV) (X3)
Reduced: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) (X2) to Disorderly Conduct (non-DV)
#2A0706***, #2A0129***, #2A0019***, #1A0702***, #1A0304*** & #1A0662***,   2023

Dismissed: Interfering With Reporting of 911 Call (DV)
Reduced: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) to Disorderly Conduct (non-DV)
#3A0047***   2023

Dismissed: Felony Unlawful Imprisonment (DV) ; Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#22-1-00***-29  2022

Dismissed: Aiming/Discharging Firearm (X2) ; Reckless Endangerment (X2)
#2A0517*** 2022

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#3A0153*** 2023

Dismissed: Residential Burglary (DV) & Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
#23-1-003**-37 2023

Reduced Felony Rape Third Degree to Criminal Attempt (Gross Misdemeanor).
#20-1-000**-37 2020

Dismissed Sex Offenses: Voyeurism First Degree & Dealing in Depictions of Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct in the Second Degree.
#23-1-001**-29 2022

Felony Charges Reduced to Misdemeanors and/or Dismissed: Assault Third Degree Against Police Officer, Felony Harassment, Malicious Mischief First Degree and Boating Under the Influence.
#21-1-007**-37 2022

Dismissed: Felony Harassment – Threats to Kill (DV)
#22-1-009**-37 2022

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief, Criminal Trespass and Possession of Paraphernalia
#XZ08537**, #BUC0212** & #MC00341**, 2022

Reduced & Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#2A0437*** 2022

Dismissal: Attempted Unlawful Possession of a Firearm Second Degree and False Swearing.
#1A0530*** 2022

Dismissal: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#1A0441*** 2022

Dismissal: No-Contact Order Violation (DV)
#2A00722** 2022

Dismissal Under SOC Agreement: No-Contact Order Violation (DV)
#XZ03500** 2022

Dismissal Under SOC Agreement: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#C00113** 2022

Dismissed: Assault in the Second Degree (DV), Felony Harassment (DV) & Interfering With Reporting of Domestic Violence (DV)
#22-1-001**-37 2022

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree
#XZ0374*** 2022

Dismissal Under SOC Agreement: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#1A01826** 2021

Dismissed: Rendering Criminal Assistance Second Degree
#MC00340** 2021

Dismissed: No-Contact Order Violation (DV)
#MC00340** 2021

Dismissed: Assault in the Fourth Degree (DV)
#9Z05933** 2021

Dismissed: Assault in the Fourth Degree (DV)
#XZ07811** 2021

Felony Strike-Offense Assault in the Second Degree by Strangulation (DV) Reduced to non-DV Misdemeanor
#20-1-013**-37 2021

Dismissed & Re-Filed as Misdemeanor: Felony Eluding a Pursuing Police Vehicle
#19-1-00***-37 2021

Dismissal: Possession of Methamphetamine
#17-1-01***-29 2021

Reduced & Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#9Z0994** 2021

Dismissal Under SOC Agreement: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#XZ0257*** 2021

Dismissal Under SOC Agreement: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#AC0059*** 2021

Reduced & Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#9Z03466** 2020

Dismissal Under SOC Agreement: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#XZ0401*** 2020

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) & Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
#CB1037*** 2020

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree
#9Z1130*** 2020

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#8Z0949*** 2020

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#8Z0438*** 2020

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#9Z38** 2020

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
#9Z11302**  2020

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#MC342***  2020

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree
#CB97***  2019

No Charges Filed: Assault of a Child Second Degree (DV)

Dismissed: Residential Burglary
#19-1-006**-**   2019

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) & Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
#BUC020***   2019

Dismissed: Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine
#19-1-00***-**   2019

Dismissed: Rape Second Degree by Forcible Compulsion (Counts I-III)
#17-1-01***-* 2019

Reduced to Misdemeanor: Felony Assault Second Degree With A Deadly Weapon (DV)
#19-1-00***-* 2019

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree
#CB-992** 2019

Dismissed: Unlawful Hunting of Big Game Second Degree; Unlawful Purchase/Use of a Hunting License
#C946** 2019

Dismissed: Possession of Methamphetamine
#17-1-00***-* 2019

Reduced & Dismissed: Attempting to Obtain a Controlled Substance By Fraud or Forgery
#16-1-015**-*  2019

Dismissed: False Statements to Public Servant
#BUC0206**  2018

Reduced & Dismissed: Reckless Driving
#BUC209**  2018

Reduced Felonies to Misdemeanors, Avoided Prison & Rescinded No-Contact Order: Assault Second Degree Strangulation (DV), Malicious Mischief First Degree (DV), Witness Tampering, Violation of No-Contact-Order (DV) and Failure to Surrender Weapons (Firearm)
#18-1-013**-** ; #18-1-014**-**   2018

Reduced & Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#8Z354***  2018

Dismissed: Hit & Run Unattended & Improper Backing of Vehicle
#8Z508***  2018

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#7Z0875***  2018

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree, Criminal Trespass First Degree & Minor In Possession of Alcohol
#8Z0231***  2018

Dismissed & Reduced: Residential Burglary (7 Counts) & Theft First Degree (3 Counts)
#07-1-003**-*  2018

Dismissed: Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer
#6Z6003**  2018

Dismissed: Spotlighting, Unlawful Hunting of Big Game & Shooting Firearm from Vehicle
#C9450**  2018

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Second Degree (DV)
#16-1-012**-* 2018

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#7Z1116*** 2018

Reduced: Rape in the Second Degree by Forcible Compulsion to Assault in the Third Degree
#17-1-00***-* 2018

Reduced: Negligent Driving First Degree to Traffic Infraction
#7Z595** 2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#7Z6017** 2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#MC329** 2017

Dismissed: Trafficking in Stolen Property First Degree
#16-1-012** 2017

Reduced & Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree With Sexual Motivation
#CB1005** 2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#MC328** 2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#BUC194**  2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) and Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
#7Z228** 2017

Dismissed: Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance (Lorazepam & Methadone)
#15-1-00***  2017

Dismissed: Felony Harassment
#16-1-014***  2017

Dismissed: Theft Third Degree
#BUC0175** 2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#MC329** 2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) & Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
#7Z02154** 2017

Dismissed: Welfare Fraud
#16-1-0059*** 2017

Reduced & Dismissed: Spotlighting Second Degree & Unlawful Hunting of Big Game Second Degree (2 Counts)
#C801** 2017

Dismissed: Unlawful Use of Drug Paraphernalia
#5Z6321** 2017

Dismissed: Disorderly Conduct
#CC098** 2017

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV)
#CB998** 2017

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#PA1337* 2016

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Second Degree (DV)
#14-1-009*** 2016

Reduced & Dismissed: DUI
#6Z05627** 2016

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#SC00162** 2016

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#BUC0196**  2016

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV), Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV) & Malicious Mischief Third Degree
#5Z665** 2016

Dismissed: Kidnapping First Degree, Robbery First Degree, Assault Second Degree
#15-1-014**  2016

Dismissed: Felony Unlawful Imprisonment (DV) & Possession of Heroin
#14-1-012**  2016

Dismissed: Theft Third Degree
#CB-929** 2015

Dismissed: Unlawful Hunting of Big Game Second Degree, Spotlighting Second Degree & Criminal Trespass Second Degree
#CO546** & C0546**  2015

Dismissed: Theft Third Degree
PA-129** 2015

Dismissed: Shoplifting
CB-940** 2015

Dismissed: Robbery First Degree, Attempted Robbery, Criminal Conspiracy & Theft in the Second Degree & Successfully Changed Jurisdiction from Superior Court to Juvenile Court
#15-1-002**  2015

Dismissed: Nuisance & Littering
#CB-823** & IB-184** 2015

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree & Theft Third Degree
#CB-927** 2015

Dismissed: Felony Harassment
#14-1-0056**  2015

Dismissed: Failure to Obey a Police Officer, Failure to Comply With Traffic Flagger and
Hit & Run Unattended
#4Z0204** 2015

Dismissed: Hit & Run Unattended
#CB-911** 2015

Dismissed: DUI, Hit & Run Unattended and Driving With Wheels Off Roadway
#5Z2463** & #5Z2463**  2015

Dismissed: Criminal Trespass Second Degree
#5Z308** 2015

Dismissed: Hit & Run Unattended
#SC166** 2015

Dismissed: Felony Theft Second Degree
#14-1-003**  2015

Dismissed: Felony Possession of Methamphetamine
#14-1-014**  2015

Dismissed: Hit & Run Unattended
#4Z5548** 2015

Dismissed: Felony Unlawful Imprisonment (DV)
#14-1-008**  2015

Dismissed: Hit & Run Unattended

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#4Z9449** 2015

Dismissed: Possession of Marijuana While Under 21 Years of Age
#CB-814** 2015

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree & Minor In Possession of Alcohol
#CB-907** 2015

Dismissed: Criminal Trespass First Degree
#AC-526** 2015

Dismissed: Hit & Run Unattended
#CB-918** 2014

Dismissed: Negligent Driving First Degree
#PA-46** 2014

Dismissed: Shoplifting
#CB-917** 2014

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#CB-893** 2014

Dismissed: Burglary First Degree, Assault Second Degree With a Deadly Weapon & Malicious Mischief First Degree
#08-1-005**  2014

Dismissed: Reckless Driving
#4Z5684** 2014

Dismissed: Rape First Degree & Kidnapping First Degree
#14-1-004** 2014

Dismissed: Theft Second Degree
#13-1-004** 2014

Dismissed: Hit and Run Attended Vehicle
#4Z0016** 2014

Dismissed: Reckless Driving & Disorderly Conduct
#CB-814** 2014

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#3Z01560** 2014

Dismissed: Malicious Mischief Third Degree
#4Z02678** 2014

Dismissed: Robbery, Drive-By Shooting & Possession of Firearm, & Possession of Marijuana
#13-1-007**  2014

Reduced: Rape and Child Molestation to Assault Fourth Degree with Sexual Motivation
#12-1-000**  2014

Dismissed: DUI and Hit & Run Attended
#3Z08242** & 3Z08243** 2014

Dismissed: Communicating With Minor for Immoral Purposes
#11-1-008**  2014

Dismissed: Rape Second Degree
#11-1-006**  2013

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#C-616** 2013

Dismissed: Theft Third Degree
#C-110** 2013

Dismissed: Hit & Run Attended with Infractions
#3Z2412** & 3Z2412** 2013

Dismissed: Felony Unlawful Imprisonment (DV)
#12-1-013**  2013

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#CB-824**  2013

Dismissed: Minor in Possession of Alcohol
#C7680**  2013

Dismissed: Possession of Cocaine
#3Z0704** 2013

Dismissed: Hit & Run Attended
#CB-816** 2013

Dismissed: Unlawful Aiming/Discharge of Firearm
#2Z0576** 2013

Reduced: Possession of Cocaine to Disorderly Conduct
#13-1-003**  2013

Dismissed: Assault Second Degree (DV)
#11-1-007**  2012

Dismissed: Unlawful Imprisonment (DV)
#12-1-000**  2012

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV) & NCOV  (DV)
#AC-448** 2012

Dismissed: 13 Counts Trafficking Stolen Property in the First Degree
#11-1-001**  2012

Dismissed: Possession Cocaine With Intent to Deliver
#84-1-000**  2012

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#AC-448** 2012

Dismissed: Hit & Run Attended
#CB-728** 2012

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#CB-770** 2012

Dismissed: Hit & Run Attended
#C-382**  2012

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#CB-780**  2012

Dismissed: Felony Unlawful Possession of Prescription Drugs
#09-1-001**  2012

Dismissed: Felony Assault Second Degree (DV)
#12-1-006**  2012

Dismissed: Felony Violation of No-Contact Order (2 Counts)
#11-1-009**  2012

Dismissed: Felony Assault Second Degree (DV)
#12-1-003**  2012

Dismissed: Violation of No-Contact Order (DV)
#C-74** & #CB-707**  2011

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree (DV)
#AC-357** 2011

Dismissed: Felony Robbery & Assault Second Degree
#09-1-008**  2011

Dismissed: Assault, Resisting Arrest & Obstructing a Police Officer
#AC-432**  2011

Dismissed: Assault Second Degree – Deadly Weapon & Malicious Mischief Second Degree
#08-1-001**  2011

Dismissed: Assault Second Degree
#09-1-014**  2011

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#CB-718**  2011

Dismissed: Reckless Driving
#C-767**  2011

Dismissed: Assault Fourth Degree
#1Z-02470**  2011

Dismissed: Reckless Endangerment & Unlawful Discharge Firearm
#1Z-2791**  2011

Dismissed:  Assault Fourth Degree and Hit & Run Attended
#CB-729**  2011

Dismissed: Boating Under the Influence
#1Z-05528** 2011

Dismissed:  Assault Fourth Degree (DV) & No-Contact Order Violation (DV)
#1Z-0521** & AC-268**  2010

$150,000 Police Misconduct Settlement: